Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Second training ride

So I'm now an official deciple of the Gord school of training.  Work you're ass off for weeks at a time then go for epic long ride, feel like hell afterwards.  The only difference is that I'm riding in Strasourg where I went for over 100km without seing a car on a beautifully paved road, designed specifically for cylists...I couldn't believe it!  I think these were old farming roads so once in a while you come nose to nose with a trackter..but that's pretty rare, otherwise it's pretty much smooth sailing for miles.  And it's all flat...brilliant.  The only issue I had was trying to remember all the german names, I mean look at my itinirary of towns I went through today:


What is with the "heim's" in the place.

OK gotta zzz

1 comment:

Gordon said...

I'm glad I've inspired you Axel. I've added a new dimension: 40 minutes of bike commuting every day. And in the fall, do 1 hour of full effort cyclocross. Apparently, whatever I've done, seems to be working. 100km of riding in Strasbourg sounds awesome!

Alltop. We're kind of a big deal.