However, the highlight of the trip was not the museum, or the free food we got at the cafe because it just reopened, but the cemetery we went through to get there! It's called Melaten and it is just south of where we live (a total of 8 minutes on the bike). It's HUGE and it's beautiful. Cemeteries to me, always look the same, with the tombstones all in a row amongst the grass and dead flowers. But Melaten is full of trees! And tall ones! There are benches everywhere, with little old ladies taking care of their loved ones' plots. It's HUGE too. The link when you click on Melaten takes you to some famous people buried here. The only ones that I think are interesting is the inventor of Eau de Cologne and the woman who died twice.
OK, enough preamble. On our way back through the cemetery, I almost fell off my bike when I saw this:
and just to make sure you see what we saw, here's a closeup:
Appropriately, this was also the weekend that Axel brought home my birthday present. The snoogle. He's been freaking out about how I've been sleeping since I've been carrying a medicine ball in my gut, and the romantic gesture for my birthday resulted in this purchase. It's actually taken a few days to get used to, but now I'm all over it...except when Axel decides he is too. This is evidence that this gift was actually not for me.
I think it's fitting to rename the snoogle our KSD.
PS. I have much to catch up on. The U2 concert! The end of german! The russian mafia bike store! The newest nun! The trips to Strasbourg! Stephane's trip to Köln! And Pickles the giant baby! Apologies for the slack blog this month. I was hit with fatigue during the hot hot weather, and the traveling on top of that got the best of me. But now I'm committed to writing all of these down and sharing.
PPS. This blog entry is dedicated to Jean-Marie, who shares my love for poorly thought english signs in foreign lands. Better than engrish sometimes.
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